Вхід або реєстрація
Для відслідковування статусу замовлень та рекомендацій
Щоб бачити терміни доставки
Безкоштовно по Україні
Без вихідних, з 9 до 20
Для відслідковування статусу замовлень та рекомендацій
Щоб бачити терміни доставки
Top Readers aspire to involve students from Beginner to Upper-Intermediate in the study of literature and the exploitation of language through interesting texts. A multi-dimensional material which enables students to evolve as readers and listeners, but also speakers and writers. Famous classics, as well as intriguing original stories serve as stimuli both for students' linguistic and emotional development.
Top Readers aspire to involve students from Beginner to Upper-Intermediate in the study of literature and the exploitation of language through interesting texts. A multi-dimensional material which enables students to evolve as readers and listeners, but also speakers and writers. Famous classics, as well as intriguing original stories serve as stimuli both for students' linguistic and emotional development.