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Gie's yer bridies and bannocks,
Yer puddens and teacakes tae!
For I am the Rat, the Reiver Rat,
And whitiver I want I'll hae.
Caw cannie when the Reiver Rat's aboot.
He'll pauchle yer scran...and yer hert!
In this brilliant new Scots translation of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's classic tale, find out what happens to the swashbuckling Reiver Rat who steals everyone s food at the point of a sword.
Gie's yer bridies and bannocks,
Yer puddens and teacakes tae!
For I am the Rat, the Reiver Rat,
And whitiver I want I'll hae.
Caw cannie when the Reiver Rat's aboot.
He'll pauchle yer scran...and yer hert!
In this brilliant new Scots translation of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's classic tale, find out what happens to the swashbuckling Reiver Rat who steals everyone s food at the point of a sword.