Книга The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War

Книга The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War

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Inspired by Hemingway’s adventures as a newspaper correspondent in Spain in the 1930s, The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War magnificently evokes life in a besieged city over a tumultuous decade. Featuring the author’s only full-length play, the works recount decadent parties and doomed love affairs amid the rubble, and effortlessly capture the devastating effects of the war on the inhabitants of the city.
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Inspired by Hemingway’s adventures as a newspaper correspondent in Spain in the 1930s, The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War magnificently evokes life in a besieged city over a tumultuous decade. Featuring the author’s only full-length play, the works recount decadent parties and doomed love affairs amid the rubble, and effortlessly capture the devastating effects of the war on the inhabitants of the city.
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648 грн
Відправка 11.10.24
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