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"Next Move Teacher's Book" contains unit objectives, cross references to other course components, full teacher's notes, answer keys and extra activities interleaved with the pages of the "Students' Book" itself for quick and easy reference. At the end of the "Teacher's Book" are the audioscripts for the listening activities in the "Students' Book" and a full answer key and audioscripts for the "Workbook". In short, everything you need to prepare and teach your classes in one easy reference guide."The Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM contains:
От Yakaboo
Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в конверт и вложен в книгу.
"Next Move Teacher's Book" contains unit objectives, cross references to other course components, full teacher's notes, answer keys and extra activities interleaved with the pages of the "Students' Book" itself for quick and easy reference. At the end of the "Teacher's Book" are the audioscripts for the listening activities in the "Students' Book" and a full answer key and audioscripts for the "Workbook". In short, everything you need to prepare and teach your classes in one easy reference guide."The Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM contains:
От Yakaboo
Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в конверт и вложен в книгу.