Книга Next Move 3. Teacher's Book with Multi-Rom (+ MP3 CD-ROM)

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"Next Move Teacher's Book" contains unit objectives, cross references to other course components, full teacher's notes, answer keys and extra activities interleaved with the pages of the "Students' Book" itself for quick and easy reference. At the end of the "Teacher's Book" are the audioscripts for the listening activities in the "Students' Book" and a full answer key and audioscripts for the "Workbook". In short, everything you need to prepare and teach your classes in one easy reference guide."The Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM contains:

  • Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets at two levels of difficulty;
  • Reading and Listening worksheets at two levels of difficulty;
  • Writing worksheets offering guided writing practice and model texts;
  • Speaking worksheets designed for use individually or in pairs. The final section of the "Teacher's Resource material" is a comprehensive collection of Tests which consist of:
  • an initial Diagnostic Test to allow teachers to assess how familiar students are with the grammar and vocabulary presented in the Starter Unit;
  • nine Language Tests to check the grammar, vocabulary and speaking items within each of the nine core units;
  • three Skills Tests for use after each three units to test general progress, language proficiency and fluency;
  • an End Of Year Test for use at the end of the course covering items from the whole level; a full answer key. Apart from the diagnostic test all the tests are at two levels of difficulty so teachers can test more appropriately and offer the correct level of challenge. All the tests are provided in A and B versions which are different in content as well as in order of presentation. "The Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM" also contains the Workbook audio.

От Yakaboo

Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в конверт и вложен в книгу.

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М'яка, На спіралі
Опис книги

"Next Move Teacher's Book" contains unit objectives, cross references to other course components, full teacher's notes, answer keys and extra activities interleaved with the pages of the "Students' Book" itself for quick and easy reference. At the end of the "Teacher's Book" are the audioscripts for the listening activities in the "Students' Book" and a full answer key and audioscripts for the "Workbook". In short, everything you need to prepare and teach your classes in one easy reference guide."The Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM contains:

  • Grammar and Vocabulary worksheets at two levels of difficulty;
  • Reading and Listening worksheets at two levels of difficulty;
  • Writing worksheets offering guided writing practice and model texts;
  • Speaking worksheets designed for use individually or in pairs. The final section of the "Teacher's Resource material" is a comprehensive collection of Tests which consist of:
  • an initial Diagnostic Test to allow teachers to assess how familiar students are with the grammar and vocabulary presented in the Starter Unit;
  • nine Language Tests to check the grammar, vocabulary and speaking items within each of the nine core units;
  • three Skills Tests for use after each three units to test general progress, language proficiency and fluency;
  • an End Of Year Test for use at the end of the course covering items from the whole level; a full answer key. Apart from the diagnostic test all the tests are at two levels of difficulty so teachers can test more appropriately and offer the correct level of challenge. All the tests are provided in A and B versions which are different in content as well as in order of presentation. "The Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM" also contains the Workbook audio.

От Yakaboo

Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в конверт и вложен в книгу.

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