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От издателя:
This comprehensive resource covers all elements of design relating to man's best friend. As dogs share our lives, it makes sense that they also share the best that design can offer. This book gives readers an elegant and entertaining overview of the finest doggie accoutrements. Feast your eyes on dog toys, leads, dishes, kennels, carriers and baskets. Of course, let's not forget grooming aids and dog clothing! From traditional to modern, there's design here to suit every canine personality.
От издателя:
This comprehensive resource covers all elements of design relating to man's best friend. As dogs share our lives, it makes sense that they also share the best that design can offer. This book gives readers an elegant and entertaining overview of the finest doggie accoutrements. Feast your eyes on dog toys, leads, dishes, kennels, carriers and baskets. Of course, let's not forget grooming aids and dog clothing! From traditional to modern, there's design here to suit every canine personality.