Книга Viking London

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London was reborn in the fires of the Viking Age, transformed by immigrants and natives, kings and commoners, warriors and saints.

In this short history, bestselling historian Thomas Williams explores the profound impact of the Vikings on London. Under the hammer of their assaults the city emerged as a hub of trade, a financial centre, a political prize, and a cauldron of voices and perspectives — a place that, a thousand years ago, already embodied much of what London is today.

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London was reborn in the fires of the Viking Age, transformed by immigrants and natives, kings and commoners, warriors and saints.

In this short history, bestselling historian Thomas Williams explores the profound impact of the Vikings on London. Under the hammer of their assaults the city emerged as a hub of trade, a financial centre, a political prize, and a cauldron of voices and perspectives — a place that, a thousand years ago, already embodied much of what London is today.

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Відправка 17.10.24
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