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This insightful book introduces a range of innovative strategies for collecting contemporary textual documentary evidence. Featuring insightful vignettes, it comprises a critical guide to the various challenges of collecting documents to realize each of those strategies.
Bill Lee explains how the epistemological and ontological assumptions of the researcher may influence their choice of a research strategy for surveys, comparative case studies, critical narratives and constitutive discourses when collecting documents. The book offers examples of published studies in the different branches of management and considers the strengths and weaknesses of grounding research studies in the collection of documentary evidence. Providing step-by-step guidance for the operationalization of a chosen research strategy for collecting documents, it also builds a crucial list of different repositories of documents that might be employed in research.
This cutting-edge book presents useful guidance and illuminating insights for business and management students of all levels hoping to improve their use of documents in dissertations and research projects. It will also be useful for researchers utilizing documentary evidence for the first time.
This insightful book introduces a range of innovative strategies for collecting contemporary textual documentary evidence. Featuring insightful vignettes, it comprises a critical guide to the various challenges of collecting documents to realize each of those strategies.
Bill Lee explains how the epistemological and ontological assumptions of the researcher may influence their choice of a research strategy for surveys, comparative case studies, critical narratives and constitutive discourses when collecting documents. The book offers examples of published studies in the different branches of management and considers the strengths and weaknesses of grounding research studies in the collection of documentary evidence. Providing step-by-step guidance for the operationalization of a chosen research strategy for collecting documents, it also builds a crucial list of different repositories of documents that might be employed in research.
This cutting-edge book presents useful guidance and illuminating insights for business and management students of all levels hoping to improve their use of documents in dissertations and research projects. It will also be useful for researchers utilizing documentary evidence for the first time.