Электронная книга Gitanjali

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Год издания

Gitānjali, Song offering is the collection that contains 157 poems by Indian writer and artist Rabindranath Tagore.

The collection of the poems is mostly about attitude of a man towards God - that is a characteristic feature of other Tagore’s works. At the time, they are different from religion poems of this type; they don’t belong to a particular religious movement. The plot is built on the ordinary life situations such as cranes flight, river crossing, waiting for a loved one near a door etc. The author shows that the love between God and a man is inseparable, the man and nature are united.

Song offering, the English version of the collection, won the Noble Prize in literature in 1913.

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Gitānjali, Song offering is the collection that contains 157 poems by Indian writer and artist Rabindranath Tagore.

The collection of the poems is mostly about attitude of a man towards God - that is a characteristic feature of other Tagore’s works. At the time, they are different from religion poems of this type; they don’t belong to a particular religious movement. The plot is built on the ordinary life situations such as cranes flight, river crossing, waiting for a loved one near a door etc. The author shows that the love between God and a man is inseparable, the man and nature are united.

Song offering, the English version of the collection, won the Noble Prize in literature in 1913.

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49 грн
Электронная книга
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