Книга Food Supply Chain Management: Building a Sustainable Future

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This fully updated new edition of a respected text retains the original’s comprehensive and practical approach to food supply chain management, and introduces a global perspective and a wide range of new material. More than ever, this is the food supply chain management textbook.

With an introduction that speaks to academic and non-academic audiences alike, the second edition of Food Supply Chain Management covers all-new topics such as cold chain management, “last mile” logistics, blockchain and traceability in the food supply chain, and the implications of global trade and climate change. Case studies examine the farm-to-table movement, sustainable co-ops, and more, with “quick facts” and mini-cases that are engaging and thought-provoking.

This textbook is appropriate for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students of agricultural business, natural resources, and food science, as well as supply chain management students.

Supporting online materials include lecture slides, test banks, and instructor manuals.

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This fully updated new edition of a respected text retains the original’s comprehensive and practical approach to food supply chain management, and introduces a global perspective and a wide range of new material. More than ever, this is the food supply chain management textbook.

With an introduction that speaks to academic and non-academic audiences alike, the second edition of Food Supply Chain Management covers all-new topics such as cold chain management, “last mile” logistics, blockchain and traceability in the food supply chain, and the implications of global trade and climate change. Case studies examine the farm-to-table movement, sustainable co-ops, and more, with “quick facts” and mini-cases that are engaging and thought-provoking.

This textbook is appropriate for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students of agricultural business, natural resources, and food science, as well as supply chain management students.

Supporting online materials include lecture slides, test banks, and instructor manuals.

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5637 грн
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