Книга Think Like a Winner

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Yehuda Shinar's secret is simple. To be a winner you need to learn to think like one. Based on scientific research carried out over the last 18 years, Yehuda Shinar has devised a set of winning behaviour principles that can be adapted and applied to any sphere of life.

Using practical advice, quizzes, tests and real-life case studies Yehuda shows you how to transform your thought patterns so that whoever you are and whatever you want to achieve, you'll be one of life's winners.

From conquering your self-defeating thoughts and winning the respect of others to clinching that promotion at work or winning in love, money and health, this book will give you the advantage over other people, equipping you with the tools you need to be succesful.

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Yehuda Shinar's secret is simple. To be a winner you need to learn to think like one. Based on scientific research carried out over the last 18 years, Yehuda Shinar has devised a set of winning behaviour principles that can be adapted and applied to any sphere of life.

Using practical advice, quizzes, tests and real-life case studies Yehuda shows you how to transform your thought patterns so that whoever you are and whatever you want to achieve, you'll be one of life's winners.

From conquering your self-defeating thoughts and winning the respect of others to clinching that promotion at work or winning in love, money and health, this book will give you the advantage over other people, equipping you with the tools you need to be succesful.

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1037 грн
Отправка 05.10.24
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