Электронная книга The Children's Book of Christmas Stories

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Год издания

Asa Don Dickinson and Ada M. Skinner.
This book had some really nice Christmas stories from the time of King James of England and a story placed near Trenton New Jersey in 1776, during the American Revolution.
This is a wonderful book to see Christmas through the ages. A great collection of 35 Christmas stories as Christmas at Fezziwig's warehouse by Charles Dickens, Toinette and the elves by Susan Coolidge, Little girl's Christmas by Winnifred E. Lincoln, The First New England Christmas by G. L. Stone and M. G.Fickett, The First Christmas-tree by Lucy Wheelock,Little Wolff's Wooden Shoes etc.

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Описание книги

Asa Don Dickinson and Ada M. Skinner.
This book had some really nice Christmas stories from the time of King James of England and a story placed near Trenton New Jersey in 1776, during the American Revolution.
This is a wonderful book to see Christmas through the ages. A great collection of 35 Christmas stories as Christmas at Fezziwig's warehouse by Charles Dickens, Toinette and the elves by Susan Coolidge, Little girl's Christmas by Winnifred E. Lincoln, The First New England Christmas by G. L. Stone and M. G.Fickett, The First Christmas-tree by Lucy Wheelock,Little Wolff's Wooden Shoes etc.

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69 грн
Электронная книга
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