Книга Scottish Castles: Scotland’s most dramatic castles and strongholds

Книга Scottish Castles: Scotland’s most dramatic castles and strongholds

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A pocket-sized guide to nearly 140 of Scotland's most dramatic castles and strongholds, all of which are open to the public. Historical background and architectural details for each of the castles, accompanied by a beautiful colour photograph. Includes the major sites of Edinburgh and Stirling, and covers from as far north as Shetland (Muness) to as far south as Dumfries and Galloway (Stranraer), west as far as the Outer Hebrides (Kisimul), and east to Aberdeenshire (Balmoral) Contains an introduction on Scotland's castles - history, description of classification of building type with examples.

Includes details on the property's custodianship, whether cared for by Historic Environment Scotland or the National Trust for Scotland, a description of the gardens where relevant, location,

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A pocket-sized guide to nearly 140 of Scotland's most dramatic castles and strongholds, all of which are open to the public. Historical background and architectural details for each of the castles, accompanied by a beautiful colour photograph. Includes the major sites of Edinburgh and Stirling, and covers from as far north as Shetland (Muness) to as far south as Dumfries and Galloway (Stranraer), west as far as the Outer Hebrides (Kisimul), and east to Aberdeenshire (Balmoral) Contains an introduction on Scotland's castles - history, description of classification of building type with examples.

Includes details on the property's custodianship, whether cared for by Historic Environment Scotland or the National Trust for Scotland, a description of the gardens where relevant, location,

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373 грн
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